Hope you are having a wonderful summer. If you are looking for a SWE event to participate in this summer please check out the information below for Motor City Maker Faire!
Book Club: There will also still be our monthly Book club meetings in Royal Oak (next meeting July 21st)! Check out the blog for more information: http://swedetroit.blogspot.com/
Blog TIP:
- If you subscribe to the blog you will get an email with updated information as events & information posts! You might not be able to see the email option if you are looking from your phone. When going to the blog from a regular site look to right and follow by email by submitting your email address.
- The blog has replaced our newsletters and several publicity emails. This will help you stay up to date with SWE-Detroit!
- Would you like to post something to the blog? Let us know!
If you are interested in holding a position with SWE-Detroit for FY14 we still have a few position left to fill:
* PD Monthly Event Planning Chair
* Professional Development Conference Co-Chair
* Girl's Engineering Exploration Co-Chair
* Electronics Communications Chair
Please contact Stacy Lueneburg @ sthayer.swe@gmail.com if you are interested.