Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Thank You From a Scholarship Winner!

I am pleased to share the following letter that we received from one of our FY16 scholarship winners.  Thanks to SWE-D members for supporting the scholarship program! - Lisa Purvis, Scholarship Chair

"I have no words to express how grateful I am for this scholarship.

I give you my word: I will put all my effort to use this scholarship to the maximum for my future career.

Sincerely and very grateful, Areli"

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Reminder: Webinar Wednesdays with DTE!

Webinar Wednesdays and DTE Energy Headquarters

The RSVP date for this event has been extended to July 17!

We will be watching "Damaging Phrases Women Use in the Office” Webinar as a group and having a discussion about the topic.
Date: July 19th, 2017
Cost: Free
Location: DTE Energy HQ- 1 Energy Plaza, Detroit,Mi 48226
Parking: Free (see attached instructions)
Light dinner will be provided
Contact: Najwa Abouhassan at Najwa.Abouhassan@dteenergy.com
6:00 pm DTE HR Welcome 
6:30 pm Webinar: "Damaging Phrases Women Use in the Office”
7:30-8:00 pm Discussion

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Maker Faire Volunteers Needed

Hello Everyone!

We need volunteers for the Maker Faire at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit on July 29th and 30th. Please sign up for shifts using the doodle link found below. We need a minimum of 2 people for each shift.

Please sign up by Saturday July 22nd to have your admission to the event covered!

If you have any questions, please contact Jenna Jacobs jenna.jacobs@gm.com.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

July Royal Oak Book Club

Event: JULY Royal Oak Book Club

Date: July 16, 2017

Location: Amici's Pizza, 3249 12 Mile Rd, Berkley, Michigan

Cost: Everyone pays for themselves

Parking - Free (Located Behind parking lot)

Point of contact: Niesha - nieshaamos@gmail.com


We will be discussing Hidden Figures!!


Webinar Wednesdays with DTE!

Webinar Wednesdays and DTE Energy Headquarters

We will be watching "Damaging Phrases Women Use in the Office” Webinar as a group and having a discussion about the topic.


Date: July 19th, 2017

Cost: Free
Location: DTE Energy HQ- 1 Energy Plaza, Detroit,Mi 48226

Parking: Free (see attached instructions)

Light dinner will be provided

Contact: Najwa Abouhassan at Najwa.Abouhassan@dteenergy.com

Please RSVP by 07/10/2017



6:00 pm DTE HR Welcome 

6:30 pm Webinar: "Damaging Phrases Women Use in the Office”

7:30-8:00 pm Discussion


IEEE Summer Potluck Picnic

The IEEE Southeastern Michigan Computer Society and the WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity Group invites all SWE members and their families to a Summer Potluck Picnic. There is no charge for the gathering but, please register so we know who and how many to expect. Register at: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/45207


After registering you will be contacted by the organizers about what potluck item you would like to bring and share.


If you were ever interested in what IEEE does or the opportunities this great society has, stop on in!


When: Sunday July 23, 2017 from 11:30a - 5:30p

Where: Kiwani Pavilon in the Rochester Municipal Park (400 Sixth Street, Rochester, Michigan, 48307)


Any questions, feel free to contact a fellow SWE member, Amanda Mohan (a2mohan@gmail.com)


Hope to see you there!