Monday, January 29, 2018
Event Cancellation Notice: Arab American National Museum
Unfortunately we are cancelling the Networking Event at the Arab American National Museum on Feb 2 due to low participation. It may be rescheduled if there is enough interest in the future.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Kettering SWE Expo Request for Speakers & Volunteers - Feb 10
Kettering University's SWE Section is looking for speakers and volunteers for its SWE Expo on Saturday, February 10th!
The SWE Expo is an overnight introduction to engineering at Kettering. They are looking for speakers and volunteers during the dinner portion on Saturday, Feb. 10 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.
If you are interested in speaking to this group about your career path, please contact Rebecca Reck at
FY19 SWE-Detroit Officer Nominations - Due February 24
It is time to seek candidates for FY19 SWE-Detroit Leadership. Qualified nominees will be placed on the ballot for our election in March.
With this email we are opening the call for candidates and look forward to your recommendations of yourself or fellow SWE members as leaders for the Section. Nominations are due February 24, 2018.
Below is a list of open officer positions and questions which must be answered for the nomination, and at this link are descriptions of the positions. Please note that Officer Positions are voted for in March and Chair Positions are filled after the election (chair positions are not voted on). The FY19 term is July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019.
Nomination Questions
1. Provide Contact Information of Candidate
Name:SWE Member Number:Phone:Email:
2. Prepare a Candidate Biography and Statement
The candidate's biography and statement should be under 400 words and may contain: Candidates SWE History, Current/Past Work Experience, Education, Hobbies, and vision and goals for the position they are considering.
3. List SWE resume/service (what other SWE positions or committees have been held):
4. Indicate position(s) interested in:
Open FY19 Officer Positions:
- President-Elect (president elect will be FY20 president and FY21 past president)
- VP Membership
- VP Professional Development
- VP Outreach
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Filled FY19 Officer Positions:
- President: Rosa Bushkuhl (president elect for FY18 will be FY19 president)
- Past-President: Ava Kiblawi (president for FY18 will be FY19 past president)
If you have any questions or are interested but don't know what would be a good fit, please feel free to contact Ava Kiblawi at
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Book Club - February Book of the Month
Event: SWE-D PD Book Club
Date: February 18, 2018
Time: 4:00pm
Location: Berkley Common, 3087 Twelve Mile Rd, Berkley, MI 48072
Cost: Everyone pays for themselves
Point of contact: Niesha -
We will be discussing 'Class mom' by Laurie Gelman
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Book Club - January Book of the Month
Event: SWE-D PD Book Club
Date: January 28, 2018
Time: 4:00pm
Location: Berkley Common, 3087 Twelve Mile Rd, Berkley, MI 48072
Cost: Everyone pays for themselves
Point of contact: Niesha -
We will be discussing 'Modern Romance' by Aziz Ansari
SHPE will be hosting Raquel Tamez, CEO of SHPE National on Feb. 1st at U of D Mercy
SWE-Detroit members are invited to an upcoming Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Detroit Section Event!
SHPE-Detroit is excited to host the CEO of SHPE National, Raquel Tamez, to Detroit on February 1st, at the University of Detroit Mercy, McNichols Campus.
Event link:
Please reach out to Diana at for any questions.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
COMPES PDC 2018 - Save The Date!
We are pleased to announce that the COMPES PDC 2018 planning has started so please Mark your calendars and start your engines for this exciting opportunity to network with other successful peers and get motivated to learn about exciting technologies and career enrichment stories.
When: Saturday, May 19th, 2018
Where: VEC building, GM Tech Center, Warren, MI
Host: General Motors
Additional details of this event are yet to come so STAY TUNED!
Monday, January 15, 2018
Webinar Wednesdays at DTE Energy!
Please join us for to watch and discuss the following topic:
The Art of the Pitch: Pitching Yourself and Presenting Your Ideas Effectively
Being able to pitch yourself well in-person is critical in business. It’s powerful in business when people know your story and you can effectively market your value. Yet many people underutilize personal branding in pitching themselves and their accomplishments in business, and are poor presenters. This webinar will show you how to master the art of the personal pitch and give you tools for making memorable, persuasive presentations.
Date: 02/07/2018
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: DTE Headquarters 1 Energy Plaza, Detroit, MI 48226Cost: Free! Click here to register!
Parking: Free! Please park at the Visitor/ Lake Trust Credit Union lot
Light dinner will be provided
Questions: Please contact Najwa.abouhassan@
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Josie E. Rewald Scholarship Updates
New Goal for Josie E. Rewald Memorial Scholarship - An Endowed Scholarship to Aid Women Pursuing Technology via Community College
Josie E. Rewald Memorial Scholarship Fiscal Year 2018 Status: ~$5300 out of $5000 goal
New Stretch Goal: $10,000 by June 2018
Still need: ~$9,400 to meet final program goal of $25,000 for endowed scholarship.
CLICK HERE to DONATE NOW! Enter in “Josie E. Rewald” in the “Instructions to Seller” or comments box, go to and Click on the Paypal Donate Button, or mail a check to
Society of Women Engineers – Detroit, PO Box 2978, Southfield, MI 48037.

Our #EndofYearGiving Campaign worked! 100 letters and several social media posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and internally at General Motors helped us get the word out! We received over $3700 during the holidays! Thank you to everyone who contributed! (See the full list below.) Excited for the success, we decided to “Celebrate on the Run!” and established a new target for the year: $10K before the end of the fiscal year (June 2018)! Doing the math, this translates to $4700 from donors and $4700 from Pat Hillberg’s match challenge. If we meet our goal, we can pull ahead by one year awarding our first $1,000 scholarship for women pursuing a STEM career via Community College!!
For those of you reading about the Josie E. Rewald Memorial Scholarship for the first time, here is some background: in September 2016, our dear friend and SWE Life Member, Josie E. Rewald, passed away un-expectantly. Everyone who knew Josie is saddened by the passing of a wonderful leader and mentor in SWE Detroit and General Motors (GM). Josie was committed to excellence, and her record of accomplishment during her career was stellar. She was very interested in mentoring students and early career engineers, in particular women. She served as a mentor to many at GM and SWE Detroit, as well as those in and outside of her community.
SWE Detroit is honoring Josie and her commitment to engineering and to the education of aspiring engineers in four (4) different ways:
1) A one-time scholarship awarded in Spring 2017 comprised of donations from GM, SWE/GM volunteers, and friends & family of Josie
2) SWE 4 Life (Life Members) Endowed Scholarship Program
o First award will be dedicated in honor of Josie at the 70th SWE Detroit Anniversary in 2022
o This initiative lead by SWE D’s life members is in its second year (see the SWE 4 Life Blog Post for more information)
3) Josie E. Rewald Memorial Endowed Scholarship
o Spun off the SWE 4 Life Endowed Scholarship with financial support from Pat Hillberg, Josie’s husband
o Goal is to raise $25,000 in 1-2 years for an endowed scholarship for women entering a community college first to pursue a career in a technical field
§ First community college endowment & pilot for all of SWE
§ After one year of interest, the endowment would provide an annual $1,000 scholarship
4) Rewald/Perazza Teacher/Mentor Award
o A middle school & high school teacher recognition for mentoring & encouraging girls to pursue a STEM career
o Award to include STEM kits for the classroom
o Program details including name are still in the works
Check back every few months to see our progress on the SWE Detroit Online Blog.
Separate from SWE Detroit’s Member Solicitation Program, the following categories created based on Josie’s favorite hiking trails* will be used to acknowledge the support of those who wish to contribute to the scholarship. The suggested donation amount is $200 each year to reach the $25,000 needed for an endowed scholarship. You may choose to make a single contribution or multiple contributions. We will send out reminders each year. Contributions will be tracked and your level will be determined based on accumulated contributions received by SWE Detroit.
Kalalau Trail $ 1000 +
Jackson Hole $ 750 to $ 999
Mount Roberts $ 500 to $ 749
Dog Mountain $ 250 to $ 499
Highline Loop $ 50 to $ 249
*See information about the hiking trails and their significance to Josie & Pat on the blog.
Our programs and services are enhanced and energized by your support of SWE Detroit and SWE’s mission. Remember your donation is fully deductible under US Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). Please contact us via email at if you have any questions.
Big Thanks to our supporters who have donated so far to our programs (updated as of 1/08/18):
Josie E. Rewald Memorial Scholarship (Goal: $25,000)
Kalalau Trail ($ 1000 +)
Linda Mui
Alan Cooper
Jackson Hole ($750 to $ 999)
Mount Roberts ($500 to $ 749)
Vivette ElFawal
Dog Mountain ($250 to $ 499)
Song Tan
Steven Maurer
Robert Carrico TTEE
Highline Loop ($50 to $ 249)
Glenn Kime
Stacy Mann
Xin Ouyang
Haiyan LI
Lisa Purvis
Norman Peralta
Felicia Powers
Hera Peruri
Dale Gerard
Mary McDonald
Kathryn Ameilo
Robert Daily
Martin Marks
Bob Cococcetta
Tina Poquette
Stephen Lalka
Cheryl Williams
GM GPS Design & Analysis Group
Virginia Kinney
Silvia Karlsson
John Fisher
Sharon Faricy
Robert Vantil
Donna Mitts
Patricia Andrews TTEE
Uday Korde
Michele Marion
SWE 4 Life Scholarship (Goal: $25,000)
See the SWE 4 Life Blog Post for list of donors
Teacher/Mentor Award Endowed Program (Name TBD, Goal $27,500)
If you have any questions, are interested in supporting the SWE Detroit SWE 4 Life Program, or creating your own endowed program to build a pipeline or legacy to benefit SWE Detroit Programs, please contact Lisa Purvis, Jenny Partlan, Jessica Swan, or Jennifer Morikawa at
Josie E. Rewald Memorial Scholarship Fiscal Year 2018 Status: ~$5300 out of $5000 goal
New Stretch Goal: $10,000 by June 2018
Still need: ~$9,400 to meet final program goal of $25,000 for endowed scholarship.
CLICK HERE to DONATE NOW! Enter in “Josie E. Rewald” in the “Instructions to Seller” or comments box, go to and Click on the Paypal Donate Button, or mail a check to
Society of Women Engineers – Detroit, PO Box 2978, Southfield, MI 48037.
Our #EndofYearGiving Campaign worked! 100 letters and several social media posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and internally at General Motors helped us get the word out! We received over $3700 during the holidays! Thank you to everyone who contributed! (See the full list below.) Excited for the success, we decided to “Celebrate on the Run!” and established a new target for the year: $10K before the end of the fiscal year (June 2018)! Doing the math, this translates to $4700 from donors and $4700 from Pat Hillberg’s match challenge. If we meet our goal, we can pull ahead by one year awarding our first $1,000 scholarship for women pursuing a STEM career via Community College!!
For those of you reading about the Josie E. Rewald Memorial Scholarship for the first time, here is some background: in September 2016, our dear friend and SWE Life Member, Josie E. Rewald, passed away un-expectantly. Everyone who knew Josie is saddened by the passing of a wonderful leader and mentor in SWE Detroit and General Motors (GM). Josie was committed to excellence, and her record of accomplishment during her career was stellar. She was very interested in mentoring students and early career engineers, in particular women. She served as a mentor to many at GM and SWE Detroit, as well as those in and outside of her community.
SWE Detroit is honoring Josie and her commitment to engineering and to the education of aspiring engineers in four (4) different ways:
1) A one-time scholarship awarded in Spring 2017 comprised of donations from GM, SWE/GM volunteers, and friends & family of Josie
2) SWE 4 Life (Life Members) Endowed Scholarship Program
o First award will be dedicated in honor of Josie at the 70th SWE Detroit Anniversary in 2022
o This initiative lead by SWE D’s life members is in its second year (see the SWE 4 Life Blog Post for more information)
3) Josie E. Rewald Memorial Endowed Scholarship
o Spun off the SWE 4 Life Endowed Scholarship with financial support from Pat Hillberg, Josie’s husband
o Goal is to raise $25,000 in 1-2 years for an endowed scholarship for women entering a community college first to pursue a career in a technical field
§ First community college endowment & pilot for all of SWE
§ After one year of interest, the endowment would provide an annual $1,000 scholarship
4) Rewald/Perazza Teacher/Mentor Award
o A middle school & high school teacher recognition for mentoring & encouraging girls to pursue a STEM career
o Award to include STEM kits for the classroom
o Program details including name are still in the works
Check back every few months to see our progress on the SWE Detroit Online Blog.
Separate from SWE Detroit’s Member Solicitation Program, the following categories created based on Josie’s favorite hiking trails* will be used to acknowledge the support of those who wish to contribute to the scholarship. The suggested donation amount is $200 each year to reach the $25,000 needed for an endowed scholarship. You may choose to make a single contribution or multiple contributions. We will send out reminders each year. Contributions will be tracked and your level will be determined based on accumulated contributions received by SWE Detroit.
Kalalau Trail $ 1000 +
Jackson Hole $ 750 to $ 999
Mount Roberts $ 500 to $ 749
Dog Mountain $ 250 to $ 499
Highline Loop $ 50 to $ 249
*See information about the hiking trails and their significance to Josie & Pat on the blog.
Our programs and services are enhanced and energized by your support of SWE Detroit and SWE’s mission. Remember your donation is fully deductible under US Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). Please contact us via email at if you have any questions.
Big Thanks to our supporters who have donated so far to our programs (updated as of 1/08/18):
Josie E. Rewald Memorial Scholarship (Goal: $25,000)
Kalalau Trail ($ 1000 +)
Linda Mui
Alan Cooper
Jackson Hole ($750 to $ 999)
Mount Roberts ($500 to $ 749)
Vivette ElFawal
Dog Mountain ($250 to $ 499)
Song Tan
Steven Maurer
Robert Carrico TTEE
Highline Loop ($50 to $ 249)
Glenn Kime
Stacy Mann
Xin Ouyang
Haiyan LI
Lisa Purvis
Norman Peralta
Felicia Powers
Hera Peruri
Dale Gerard
Mary McDonald
Kathryn Ameilo
Robert Daily
Martin Marks
Bob Cococcetta
Tina Poquette
Stephen Lalka
Cheryl Williams
GM GPS Design & Analysis Group
Virginia Kinney
Silvia Karlsson
John Fisher
Sharon Faricy
Robert Vantil
Donna Mitts
Patricia Andrews TTEE
Uday Korde
Michele Marion
SWE 4 Life Scholarship (Goal: $25,000)
See the SWE 4 Life Blog Post for list of donors
Teacher/Mentor Award Endowed Program (Name TBD, Goal $27,500)
If you have any questions, are interested in supporting the SWE Detroit SWE 4 Life Program, or creating your own endowed program to build a pipeline or legacy to benefit SWE Detroit Programs, please contact Lisa Purvis, Jenny Partlan, Jessica Swan, or Jennifer Morikawa at
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