Thursday, June 21, 2012

Going digital!

In order to be more accessible to our membership and to more effectively communicate with other professional sections, college sections, SWE National, and the public in general, we have decided to go digital with our first blog.  Our section was chartered in 1952, sixty years ago this year.  We have evolved from a newsletter that was sent via mail monthly, to a newsletter that was emailed on a monthly basis, to this "real time" blog. 

We know that topics of interest will include:
  • Advertising for upcoming events, either SWE-D or other related organizations / post-event write-ups
  • Professional development
  • Leadership
  • Work / life balance
  • Engineering & academia
  • Diversity
  • Book club book reviews
  • SWE business (regarding your membership, regional or national news)
  • In the news (posting links to articles of interest)

We'll label the blog posts accordingly to make it easier to find what is of interest to you.  One way this format will differ from our newsletter is that we will save information relating to "life events" of our members for the SWE-D Facebook page, in order to respect the privacy of the individuals involved.

If you have an event that you want to post on here, or an article that would be of interest to our membership, please send it to and include in the subject line "Blog worthy".

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