Saturday, February 16, 2013

Event Reporting - ESD Future City Competition Recap and SWE Winner

The Future City Competition was held on January 28th at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi.  Even though most schools in the area had snow days, the Future City Students braved the weather to bring their future city concept models to the competition.  SWE-Detroit had four volunteers attend the event to judge the cities, watch the top three schools present and observe the awards presentations.  We judged the future cities on criteria for our "Best Communication System Award".  Many of the future cities had advanced technology where citizens could communicate among each other with chips in their brains or tattoos on their arms.  Each city was creative in its own way and the students were very excited to explain how everything worked. 

The winner of the Society of Women Engineers, Detroit Section Best Communication System Award was....<drum roll>....
Marvin L. Winans Academy of the Performing Arts, Detroit

Students names (L-R): Taria Topey, Rayna Hayward, Jabez Jones
Teacher: Ms. Suzanne Thebert
Mentor: Mr. Philip Gawel

More Future City Awards Winners can be found at their website:

A big thank you to all who came out to help judge and support the event!