Monday, February 18, 2013

Volunteers Needed - SWE National Scholarship Judges

Help Dreams Come True: Sign up to Judge SWE Scholarship Applications

Professional Section Presidents, MAL President and SWE Counselors,

SWE typically receives close to 1500 applications. If you haven't had a chance to encourage your members to volunteer, please do so. Thanks!

Judges are a vital part of the Scholarship Program and SWE could not do it without your help. It is through dedicated members' generosity of judging scholarship applications that young women are fulfilling their dreams of becoming engineers and making significant contributions to society.

Last year SWE provided 198 scholarships valued at over $575,000.  It is that time of year again to help judge scholarship applications for upperclass and graduate students.

Many judges have stated it is a rewarding experience to judge scholarships for these talented, aspiring future women engineers.  The applications are inspiring and it is amazing to see a glimpse in to the world of these future engineers.
Judging will be open from March 1-21.  All judging will be done online; therefore, you can judge at your own pace and on your own schedule.  A webinar training will be offered in late February/early March.

Rally your fellow SWE professional members to help judge the upperclass and graduate student scholarship applications.  We look forward to having you participate, please sign up here.  Please contact if you have any questions.

Christine Pitner and Inaas Darrat, P.E. 
FY13 Scholarship Committee Chair and Chair-Elect

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